Advertise with Homeschool Social and allow your business to engage with thousands of visitors daily.
Suppose you want to advertise on business listings that provide academic services such as tutoring, educational classes, online classes, curriculum, or anything else about homeschool academics. In that case, this is the choice for you. Your ad will appear on listings posted under the Academics category.
Academic Listing Ads
Let homeschooling families looking for enrichment services also see your ad. If you would like to be visible on listings for services such as art classes, music classes, dance lessons, theater, martial arts, gymnastics, sports, or similar businesses. In that case, an Enrichment ad is the choice! Your ad will appear on listings posted under the Enrichment category.
Enrichment Listing Ads
Getting the right supplies is essential for successful homeschooling. If your business will appeal to homeschoolers looking to get the supplies they need, advertise your company in this category. Supplies can include books, art supplies, craft materials, school supplies, hobby materials, musical instruments, and planners. Your ad will appear on listings posted under the Supplies category.
Supplies Listing Ads
Online resources are more popular than ever! If you want your business ad to appear alongside those who provide online, virtual classes, apps, web-based programs, or any other online digital resource, choose this option. Your ad will appear on listings under posted the Online Resources category.
Online Resources Listing Ads
Learning should be fun! Parents searching through these listings are looking for fun non-learning-based activities (or where the learning is subtle) such as trampoline parks, zoos, petting zoos, toy stores, bike shops, beaches, amusement parks, and aquariums, or anything similar. Your ad will appear on listings posted under the Recreation category.
Recreation Listing Ads
Summer, winter, and spring break camps all go here. Whether a camp is an overnight camp, day camp, academic camp, afterschool camp, virtual camp, or an enrichment camp, if you want to be visible to parents searching for any type of online or in-person camp, this is the spot for your brand. Your ad will appear on listings posted under the Camps category.
Camp Listing Ads
Want to reach a broader audience? With this advertisement option, your banner ad can appear across all 6 listing categories, on all 5 ad spots in a specific category, or BOTH! This means that no matter what type of listing a parent visits, your ad is very likely to be seen. An All Listing placement is an excellent option if you want to expand your presence and be visible to anyone visiting the website.
Listing Ads across 6 Listing Categories
Advertisement in all 6 Listing Categories – Based on Availability
1 Position (6 Ads Total)
Size: 600×188
Advertisement in all 6 Listing Categories
All Positions (30 visible ads on all eligible listings)
Size: 600×188
Our metrics show that upon visiting the Homeschool Social website, most visitors scroll through the entire homepage before beginning their search. That means homepage banner ads are the most viewed advertisements on our site. Whether your ad is in position 1 or 4, your brand will be visible to all parents, caregivers, teachers, and vendors as soon as they open the site.
Homepage Banner Ads
We don’t just offer advertisements on Ad space is available on our corresponding social media accounts as well. As we grow our social media presence, we offer attractive deals for dedicated Instagram & Facebook posts, and IG story posts. These ads help keep your brand visible to the Homeschooling community across social media platforms, and the options for these types of ads are endless.
Social Media Ads