
So, what's a Westcoast Connection / 360∞ Student Travel program really like? You may visit stunning natural wonders, experience exciting vibrant cities, achieve meaningful volunteer work, improve your language skills or participate in the latest and greatest adrenaline pumping activities, but there is so much more than that!We understand something far more important than where to go and what to see and that is YOU. 'EACH' drives us to get to know all our participants for your unique personality and your likes and dislikes, from dietary preferences and social and health needs, to allowing each family some choice in booking airfare. We have accommodated special needs from scheduling a mid-trip allergy shot and keeping medication cooled to arranging for someone to leave for two days mid-summer for a family wedding. We know it's not one size fits all and no two travelers are alike. We will positively encourage you to try new activities that may initially be beyond your comfort zone but we also recognize that it's your decision and it is challenge by choice so you will never be pushed into an adventure activity that you are not ready to embrace.

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